Technically there's no minimum requirement for SOL amount to use the bot. But it's recommended to have some sol in the wallet as it will use it to do arbitrage trade.
The trade size of this bot is decided onchain to find the most optimal one, so you need to keep enough wsol in your wallet for the trades to happen.
Step1: Get a private RPC
Make sure you find a private RPC, public ones won't work for this bot.
Step 2: Get a Linux machine
The bot runs on linux, so you need to either rent one or use your own. The recommended hardware is 4 core/32GB RAM at least.
To be able to run the bot smoothly, recommend running with Ubuntu 22. You will run into issues with Ubuntu 20.
WSL on windows is known to have issue and not working well with the bot.
Step 3: Download and unzip
First ssh into your Linux machine, then download the zip file for the latest release.