How this bot work
The jupiter bot works by starting a local hosted Jupiter router binary first. The bot then connect to it and query routes from it, and check for profitability based on the quote results from it.
The bot provides two main strategy:
Blind Quote
Blind quote strategy is one way to find opportunities with the bot. You define a list of intermedium mints, the base mints you want to trade with(SOL/USDC/USDT), and what trade size you want to trade with. The bot will use your trade size to quote for all the intermedium mints, one buy and one sell, and find profitable routes by combining the buy and sell routes together.
This strategy is a good start for beginner. It's easy to land as it can combine a lot of small opportunities into a big one, and generally less competitive.
Backrun strategy is monitoring large trade onchain, and counter trade the ones found to find arbitrage opportunities. This is a more advanced strategy, and requires yellowstone to run.
Backrun strategy works like the following:
1. Bot will monitor the markets you defined in DEXES_TO_MONITOR, with all the intermedium mints you defined above
2. If a trade cause the pool's price moved more than MIN_PRICE_IMPACT_PCT, bot will try to create a trade to backrun it
3. Bot will use the trade size you defined in TRADE_CONFIGS, to randomly generate a size between MIN_TRADE_BP and MAX_TRADE_BP, based on the trade you are back running. Or you can just define a FIXED_SIZE as your trade size here.
4. Bot will quote the other size of the trade with jupiter, create a full arb trade tx
5. If the tx has profit and it's higher than MIN_QUOTE_PROFIT, bot will send it out
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